What I Learn from Dom-to-image

the github repo url is below:

GitHub - tsayen/dom-to-image: Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas

Why I want to Read the Source Code of This Project?

I use this lib to generate the image of mgclub post content. And When I use it, I found that it will throw out error because of CORS.
Finally, I convert the images to base64 in the server side to solve the problem.
But I wonder how the lib realize the function and how can I solve the CORS in other way.
So I start reading the source code of the project.



the README.md is a good choice to start.
it tells me

  1. what dom-to-image it is and what can it do
  2. install
  3. the way to use it (pass in Dom node and render options)
  4. how it works (svg foreignObject)

Directory Structure

├── Gruntfile.js // dev and build config
├── LICENSE // open source litcence
├── README.md
├── bower.json // bower config
├── bower_components // for bower enable
├── dist // output
├── karma.conf.js // test
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── spec // test
├── src // *the main file
└── test-lib

So we should read the src/dom-to-image.js mainly.
